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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Candice - IB_JamieKidd_62-1 (Honored Scraps)

Open 700x700 (You can resize later) To aid in the creation of the tag, make your background white.

For the purpose of this tutorial, I will refer to the kit and tube I chose.

The kit I chose is IB-Jamie Kidd 62-1 by Honored Scraps
This gorgeous kit and more can be found at CDO

First lets start by c/p paper 04 on to the canvas above the white background.
Apply MC-Mask3, which can be found at Melissaz Creationz. Merge Group.

Using Eyecandy 4000 - Gradient Glow, highlight the mask with these settings:

I used the color #dcabe5 for my highlight color, but use whatever color you want. 

Now open Element 02, c/p towards the bottom of the canvas
Next open element 06 and add where you would like. Recolor if you would like as well.

Open element 10 and c/p where you would like. I placed mine at the end of the 'sparkle',
duplicated it and placed it at the opposite end. (see tag for clarification)

Open element 09 and c/p slightly off-center of the canvas


Choose a tube and place in the center of the canvas.

I am using Candice (Tube 62-1) by Jamie Kidd from CDO.

Open element 12, resize and place over the bottom of the tube.
Next open element 16, resize and add to your tag where you like.
Finally open element 15, resize slightly and place where you would like.

Feel free to add any other elements if you would like.

Once you are happy with the layout of your tag, SAVE!

Don't forget to add any last minute drop shadows if you wish!

Resize tag if you would like as well!

Add Copyright information, your license and your favorite font for the name!
The font I used is Jellyka Delicious Cake

I usually save in .png but please save your final result in your chosen format.

This tutorial was written on 11/18/14 by Christie
Any similarities to any other tutorial is purely coincidental.
All artwork and filters are copyright of the artists and filter creators.
All tutorials are created with PSP9 and are for those with a working knowledge of Paint Shop Pro.